Moving towards the Minga

Ecuadorian woman received Covid-19 Sunvival Kit,

In the last two weeks, with your support, the Snow Angels in Ecuador in partnerships with Hearts of Gold, Cuenca Soup Kitchen, and councilwoman Marisol Peñaloza was able to deliver a number of items to several groups in Cuenca and in the greater Azuay area.

  • Deliver 115 food kits to rural families
  • Deliver 166 food kits to urban families
  • Deliver food and cleaning supplies to Casa Violeta, a foundation for victims of domestic violence delivery food
  • Deliver cleaning supplies to Casa María Amor, a foundation for victims of domestic violence
  • Provide a disinfection station at Feria Libre, the largest mercado in Cuenca
  • Offer a source of income for both urban and rural parishes,

The Snow Angels of Ecuador and our partner organizations, Hearts of Gold and Cuenca Soup Kitchen thank you for making it possible to do this work.

Note: Special thanks to Des Dizney from Cuenca Soup Kitchen and M.J. from Hearts of Gold for the content used for this post.